My Barnes & Noble Horror Story
Now, this going to sound a little preposterous, but I am genuinely upset. I just wanted to say a little disclaimer that I acknowledge the fact that I am petty and there are children starving in Africa, but that doesn't make me any less angry. I don't normally go to Barnes & Noble because my closest bookstore is Books A Million, but I do love the reader-author connection at B&N. They offer lots of signed copies and special editions that I relish when I arrive there. It's also the choice bookstore of many booktubers. I've also never had problems with B&N before. But on this fateful Saturday, I was filled with contempt at the lack of books I wanted. A couple of days ago, I saw this post on Rick Riordan's Instagram. Being the Percy Jackson super fan I am, I had to get my hands on the special 10th anniversary collector's edition. Now get this, I already own The Lightning Thief. Somehow, someway it made its way out of my possessi...