
Showing posts from June, 2016

The Hamilton Book Tag

  This week on Libby's Current Obsession, we have Hamilton: An American Musical. A couple of weeks ago, I decided I had to see what all the fuss was about so I listened to the soundtrack...AND IT BLEW ME AWAY. I recently got into musicals after taking a musical theatre course at school this year, and as soon as I listened to it, Hamilton was at the top of my list. This tag was created by Maureen Keavy on YouTube (click here  to check out her channel). It is essentially a list of songs from Hamilton that have corresponding questions about bookish things. I immediately wanted to do it for obvious reasons and because it would allow me to fangirl about books while jamming out to the soundtrack. The original tag is 10 questions but I will be doing the extended edition because some of my favorite songs are extra questions. If there are any spoilers in my answers, I will put up warnings for whatever book I might spoil in the heading for each song. Now let's get to WORK! T...