Book Covers (part 1)

I thought we could take some time to discuss book covers. Favorites, least favorites, preferences, etc. let's start with some of the good ones. 

  Personally, I really like covers that are black and white (or just black) with one other accented color. Here are some good examples, such as...

Reboot and Rebel
  I haven't read these books yet, but I'm really excited to! The covers are spectacular, and even the little blurb gives me chills. 5 years ago, I died. 178 minutes later, I woke up. Did you guys feel that? I did!!!

Another series that does this color scheme well is the Twilight books. 
  I haven't read these books either, but I plan to. I've heard mixed reviews. 

  These next two series are some of my personal favorites of the black and white cover department. 

The first series in the duo of awesome is The Caster Chronicles. 
  Also known as the Beautiful Creatures series. Look at these beautiful covers. I'm in love with the creative font. I actually have read these books, and I enjoyed them. Not one of my favorites, but if you're into fantasy, they're definitely worth the read.  

The final series in my collection of books with my favored color scheme is The Curse Workers. 
  I literally don't know anything about these books, except that their covers are beautiful. The faces are made of little neon dots, and the font is almost as cool as the previous one!

  Another cover thing I'm a fan of is when you can lay all the covers out, or line up the spines, and make a mural! I love those. 

One of the more extraordinary examples of this is the new Percy Jackson and the Olympians covers. 
  These covers are so epic. I absolutely love these books and I will try to review them soon. (I like those Roman numerals. I see what you did there.)

Another beautiful example is the new Harry Potter covers. 
  I, personally, like these covers more than the originals because I feel the art better depicts the books. They're actual scenes from the book instead of some obscure image of Harry. 

  I also like epic battle scenes on books, as long as they don't look cheesy. (Basically anything John Rocco draws on a Rick Riordan book). Examples:

The Lost Hero

The Son of Neptune

The Mark of Athena

The House of Hades

The Blood of Olympus
  These covers practically ooze epic. John Rocco also drew the covers of The Kane Chronicles and all the art in the upcoming Percy Jackson's Greek Gods. 

  I'm also a big fan of authors who write solo books (this mostly occurs with contemporaries), but all the covers still match. My favorite example of this is Stephanie Perkins's books. (Anna and the French Kiss, Lola and the Boy Next Door, and Isla and the Happily Ever After). 
  These books are not a series, yet they all have the same font, a cityscape background, and a duel-color ombré background. It makes so happy!!!!!! (And no, I haven't read these books, but I have Anna and the French Kiss on hold.)

  That's it for my favorite book covers! I have many more, but this is what made the list. I'll post part 2 with my least favorites soon. In the meantime, send me your favorite covers! I'd love to know what you guys look for in a cover. You can email me at Thanks!!!


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