10 Back to School Books You'll Want to Show Your Friends

  So with almost all schools back in session, I'd like to share some books that not only are amazing reads, but will also look great with your first day of school outfit. These are the kind of books that will either warm your heart so you're smiling to yourself or crush your soul with never ending feels. Good luck figuring out which one is which!

1. Percy Jackson and the Olympians/Heroes of Olympus
  The first one will always be Percy Jackson. I hope this didn't surprise you. These books are amazing and absolutely hilarious. If you haven't read them, you are missing out. The author, Rick Riordan, recently released a collection of Greek myths told from the point of view of Percy. It looks like this:
  LOOK AT THAT GORGEOUSNESS. IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL. This book is a little bigger than normal books because it's got some amazing illustrations in it. You might think you'll look kinda stupid carrying this monstrosity of a book around, and you will. I would know, I got a few strange looks walking down the hallway the other day. BUT IT WONT MATTER BECAUSE ITS SO BEAUTIFUL. 

2. Anna and the French Kiss, Lola and the Boy Next Door, & Isla and the Happily Ever After
  You may recognize these books from some of my previous posts because THEY ARE AMAZING. I have currently only read the first two and they were so beautiful. They were adorable and heart wrenching and sweet without being cheesy. I like, aspire to be Stephanie Perkins. It is my dream to write books like this. These covers are gorgeous and no one will make fun of you...unless you buy the dreaded, other covers. 
  THESE PIECE OF CRAP COVERS ARE SO UGLY. EVERYONE JUDGED ME WHILE I WAS READING THIS. I COULD SEE IT IN THEIR EYES. Please, for your own good, just get the pretty covers instead of these creepy face ones. Because creepy face doesn't go with anything. And I mean anything. Not even leggings. 

3. The Tiger Saga (aka. Tiger's Curse)
  These books. I have so much to say about these books. Probably because I haven't done a review yet. I'll get on that. I loved these books. They're probably in my top five. I can't believe I haven't read them before now and I can't fangirl about it BECAUSE NO ONE HAS READ THEM. please read them. Even if you don't like reading (which I honestly can't understand, but I won't judge) you should carry these around with you because they're so beautiful. Just keep the whole series in your backpack so you can brag about them at the lunch table. 

4. The Book Thief
  I put this book on the list because a) it's one of my favorites and b) it was one a lot of schools' summer reading lists so you may have had to read it anyway.  You may not like it if you're not a fan of historical fiction, but I think it's just one of those books everyone should read. World War ll is one of my favorite eras and it was nice to read about a civilian/spectator instead of someone who was directly persecuted. It was so amazing that I can barely write this without crying. It's was just that good. 

5. Basically any John Green book
  Just find a book written by John Green, the you tuber/novelist not the Bigfoot hunter (long story watch Vlogbrothers), and read it as fast as you can. He is my favorite author and his books are beautiful and hilarious. You may have heard of his most recent book, The Fault in Our Stars, as the movie came out recently. I would definitely recommend these books to people in high school or at least 13 and up. All of his books are great, so don't just read TFIOS because it's popular and be done. Although, if you're going to pick up TFIOS, I suggest reading it in secret because you don't want people knowing you read the book after the movie came out. That's just too mainstream. 

6. Divergent!!!
  Notice I put Divergent the book and not the series. This book is all the rage right now, what with the movie coming out last March. It's extremely popular. This book is amazing and I loved it. However, I was not as big a fan of the rest of the series. I suggest reading the first one so you've tried it and if you find yourself wanting to read the rest, GO FOR IT. You may decide not read the rest but at least you know what the heck people are talking about. This is also a good book to start with if you want to get into dystopian novels.  

7. Fangirl
  As you might have guessed from the title, this is one of the most relatable books I have ever read. It's a contemporary about a girl going to college who is obsessed with an alternate universe Harry Potter. (If you're confused, check out my review). Rainbow Rowell is amazing and this books was sweet and adorable and so so awesome. Don't let anyone make fun of you, the title, or the two gay guys on the cover. Just shove this adorable book up their ass. On a lighter note, who wouldn't want that teal-ish mint color with their outfit?

8. If I Stay
  This movie recently came out and I will soon be doing a review of it and the book. This book is extremely moving and beautiful. It's about a girl who goes into a coma after a car crash and has to choose whether to stay alive or go into the light. The story is told through a series of flashbacks which makes for an interesting format that's something different than I normally read. The book is real short so it was a nice quick read. It was a good break from all my fantasy action drama. As far as looking good, I would suggest getting the movie cover just this once. It's actually pretty good and this cover is ugly. 

 9. Between Shades of Gray
  Not to be confused with Fifty Shades of Gray, this books is about a Lithuanian family who gets deported to Siberia during World War ll. Ruta Sepetys is an amazing writer and a wonderful lady. I actually have met her and I like to support my local authors. This book has some romance, but as expected, it can be sad at times so you need to be in the right mood for it. It's nice to go into this book knowing nothing because it just gets more and more beautiful as you read it. 

10. Throne of Glass
  Who doesn't want a kick ass assassin on the cover of their book? I sure do!!! I haven't read this book, but as far as I know it's about a girl who trained to be an assassin for some kingdom. I'm not sure if this is a futuristic deal or like medieval or something. The same friend who recommended Tiger's Curse recommended this. Judging by how much I loved those books, I think I trust her judgement on these. You and me both will be checking these books out soon I hope!

   Well that's it! I hope you found something you might like to read off this list. This post was part of a blog collaboration (blog-oration) with with wordpress blogger Charlotte. Check her out at http://charrlatte.wordpress.com she's awesome! We'll have more collab posts up soon, but goodbye for now!




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