Social medias are a very important and influential part of internet society. I have them, you have them, we all have them. The social media book tag was flitting around book vloggers on YouTube, and even though it's not for the blog format, I thought it was really fun so I'm doing it. #dealwithit. TWITTER What is your favorite short book? I'm not sure what constitutes as a "short" book, but I'm going to say it's around 200 pages or less. For this category, I am going to go with my favorite 221 page read, Looking for Alaska by John Green. This book is so moving and emotional within its few pages, that by the time you finish it, you are shell shocked. "What do you mean it's over?" you ask. I read this book right after reading The Fault in Our Stars , and it totally hooked me on the drug that is John Green novels. If you haven't picked it up and you are of an appropriate age, you should definitely read it. FACEBOOK What is a ...