Confession: I am a Youtube Addict

  It's time to stage an intervention. My family and friends are concerned. I must confess...I am addicted to Youtube. I have delved into the murky depths of online video and I am struggling to stay afloat. In order to help me with my addiction, I figured I might share some of my favorite channels with you!

My addiction started around Christmas of 2013. My friend said "Hey, you like John Green, right? I want to show you vlogbrothers." She showed me the hilarity that was Brotherhood 2.0, and I was hooked. John Green, author of the best selling novel and motion picture The Fault in our Stars, shares a youtube channel with his brother, Hank Green. The two brothers are so funny, quirky, and smart. I am in love with the two of them and their channel. They have an amazing community called Nerdfiteria that I am so proud to be a part of. They've created charities such as The Foundation to Decrease World Suck and the Project for Awesome campaign. They also created VIDCON!!!!! I could go on and on about them for days, but instead I'll put a link to their channel here:

  Currently, my favorite youtubers are Dan and Phil of danisnotonfire and amazingphil. They are British vloggers in their twenties who make videos and have a BBC radio show. I am so in love with both of them that I cannot even begin to describe it. If you like funny jokes, British accents, and existential crisises, then you should definitely check them out. They have famous Q and A's called Philisnotonfire that I've watched probably 20 times each, but one of my favorite videos is their photobooth challenge video. 

  If you don't know who the above people are, DO YOU EVEN INTERNET?! They are literally the king and queen of the internet. With Jenna's space hooker hair and Tyler's pastel quiff, they rule all the lands of youtube. Probably some of most viewed people on the whole site, Jenna and Tyler make vlogs and sketch videos that are pure gold. I put some of my favorite videos from each of them below.

  This girl. Oh my god. She is one of the funniest people I have watched on the internet ever. Lilly Singh is one of the few Indian vloggers on Youtube, and she is hilarious. Lilly makes sketch videos about people and social media that are so relatable. She keeps it real. She is so inspiring to girls and I love her so much #TEAMSUPER!!! You can find one of my personal favs of her videos right below. 

  Rhett and Link are a duo like the vlogbrothers that make funny music videos and have a daily show called Good Mythical Morning that I watch every weekday. I love starting my day off with a small dose of this hilarious duo. I am absolutely in love with some of their music videos (I'll put a link to my favorite below). A friend introduced me to them, and ever since then, I've watched their daily videos and loved every minute. 

  Some of the other classic vloggers I enjoy are below with links to their channels. 
*personal favorites

  There is a whole other side to Youtube that I love besides vloggers. It's called BOOKTUBE. In a previous post, I mentioned a booktuber named Christine of polandbananasbooks, and she is probably my favorite. I agree with almost all her opinions, and she makes reviews just like I do! She's hilarious and so enthusiastic about books, which is something I can relate to. 
  Christine lives with another booktuber named Kat of Katytastic and I also really like her. She and Christine have a hilarious video together where they play a "Guess the Character" game that my friends and I absolutely love! We play it all the time! 

Some other booktubers to check out are Jesse of jessethereader, Ariel of ArielBissett, and Cassidy of CassJayTuck.

The End
Well, there you have it! These are some of my favorite youtubers, but there are so many more! If you haven't already, please check them out as they are all amazing. I'll be back with book related news soon, but for now, keep on reading!


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